Continuous Learning for Startup Founders in Canada

Continuous Learning for Startup Founders in Canada

It’s no news that the Canadian market is a dynamic case, and launching a startup is one venture marked by innovation, resilience, and the pursuit of success amidst competition. For founders in Canada, the pivotal role of continuous learning cannot be overstated....
6 Ways to Secure Funding for Your Business

6 Ways to Secure Funding for Your Business

Starting a business is like driving a car. You just bought the car of your dreams and have spent money and time learning how to drive before the car arrived. Yet, there is one more thing you need before the car can move – fuel. Regardless of how good the car is...
Key Points On Why New Businesses Fail

Key Points On Why New Businesses Fail

Research conducted by The U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics reveals that 50% of small businesses fold up by the end of the first year, and by the tenth year, the figure increases to 80%. This data is a huge pointer to the importance of seeking answers to the question...