by bipoc | Jun 7, 2023 | Blog
The saying that “no man is an island” is very applicable when it comes to the journey of an entrepreneur. Anyone who decides to venture into the unknown to start something of their own, like a business or company, is an entrepreneur. In all sincerity, this is not an...
by bipoc | Mar 21, 2023 | Blog
Afro-Francopreneur Connect Program Pour célébrer la Journée internationale de la Francophonie, nous lançons le programme Afro-Francopreneur Connect, dédié aux entrepreneurs bilingues d’ascendance africaine de l’Ouest Canadien. Le programme de réseautage...
by bipoc | Mar 8, 2023 | Blog
Afro-Francopreneur Connect Program To celebrate International Francophonie Day, we are launching the Afro-Francopreneur Connect program, dedicated to bilingual entrepreneurs of African descent in Western Canada. The networking program is designed to help entrepreneurs...